Minutes from Meeting Oct 18, 2022

21 of us met in the Commons area, as we could not access the Pioneer Room. It was lovely to meet out-of-doors. Sally Houghton, Quadra’s new Notary Public, gave an informative presentation, and answered questions, about “Estate Planning vs. Personal Planning – what’s the difference?” She told us about the documents that are useful while we are still alive: Power…

Expressing Our Grief

When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.” ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh When we are grieving, we may want to distance ourselves from our anger, confusion, or pain….


Aquamation is a method of cremation that is significantly more environmentally responsible than fire-based cremation. Also known as alkaline hydrolysis, resomation, and water cremation, it involves liquefying the body under pressure in a mixture of potassium hydroxide and water. The decomposition process is the same as that which occurs naturally when a body is buried, but at an accelerated rate….

Minutes from Meeting Sep 20, 2022

We met in the Pioneer Room of the Manson’s Hall. 18 present. Margaret V chaired the meeting. Educational Presentation After our usual time of sharing, Priya Huffman gave an eloquent and thoughtful presentation on “Care of the Body, Jewish Practices.” She shared that Jewish communities have a group of men and women called the Chevra Kadisha, who tend to the…


If you’re named as the executor in someone’s Will, you may need to probate the Will. Probate is a procedure done in court that confirms the Will is legally valid. Financial institutions and others holding assets of the estate often require assurance the Will presented is legally valid before transferring funds or assets. The executor of the Will may also…

Death Is A Human Experience

Suzanne B. O’Brien RN, creator of Doulagivers, has been at the forefront of the End-of-Life Doula Movement in the United States since it began building momentum nearly a decade ago. She has years of experience working with over one thousand end-of-life patients as a hospice nurse and palliative care professional. Suzanne writes that Death is currently the number one fear…

Natural (Green) Burial

As people become aware of the environmental impact of both conventional burial and cremation, natural burial is becoming a choice in more communities. Rather than being new, this is a return to an older, simpler way of returning bodies to the earth. Here in Canada, burials must take place only in a designated cemetery, and graves are not re-used. Bodies…