Meetings & Events

Death Cafe

Saturday, July 6th, 2024 from 2:00 – 3:30 pm.

Currently Death Cafes are offered in over 87 countries around the world. Many find comfort in speaking about their anxieties, grief and curiosities around death and dying in a safe, neutral environment. It is an opportunity to speak from the heart and practice deep listening with others.

This cafe will be in Whaletown, hosted by Darsi Kamay. We will begin with tea, meeting our companions before beginning. The circle is small, based on how many people come, and our limit is 10, by registration only.

In this version of the Death Cafe, we will take turns speaking, and there is no obligation to speak. We will perhaps do two rounds of speaking/listening based on available time, and complete in an hour and a half total. The cafe is lightly facilitated, offering guidelines for speaking before we begin, but no teaching or counseling is given, and this group is led by each participant’s own individual speaking interest within the broader topics of death and dying.

We will meet on the first Saturday of the month, at least until our August meeting, from 2:00 – 3:30 pm, and it is always free of charge. If you would like to register, or would like more information, please send a note to Darsi at [email protected]. More info regarding location will be given upon registration.

Monthly Gatherings 2024/2025 in the Pioneer Room 2:00 – 3:30 pm

2024: Sep 19, Oct 17, Nov 21

2025: Jan 16, Feb 20, Mar 20, Apr 17