Community Outreach

Monthly Gatherings in 2025 in the Pioneer Room

Our in-person meetings are usually held on the third Wednesday of the month, from 2:00 – 3:30 pm in the Pioneer Room of the Mansons Hall, September through April. Everyone is welcome.

The meetings consist of about a ½ an hour for sharing about death, dying and grief, the next 1/2 hour or 40 minutes for a presentation to learn more about a particular death-related topic, followed by a questions and reflections.

Upcoming meetings; Education portion

Wednesday, Feb 19, 2025

Home Death and Natural Burial. Michelle’s dear long-time friend, Elke Finley, journeyed into death consciously, with a profound trust that love cradles both life and death. Elke died in her home, surrounded by those dearest to her. Her body was laid to rest in the Mansons Cemetery, and a celebration of her life was held a couple of weeks later. Michelle will share her reflections on this deep experience.

Thursday, Mar 27, 2025 5:30 – 7:30 pm 

AGM and Guest speaker Emily Bootle, funeral director and home funeral advocate from DeathCare BC will speak about bridging the gap between health care and death care. Food and childcare will be provided; expect a rich, informative, and entertaining evening.

Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025

In The Bardo. In March of 2023 Doug Hamel suffered a stroke which landed him in the Campbell River Hospital. In the first 48 hours of care he experienced a bizarre series of lucid dream-like events. Several months later he came across the book “How We Live is How We Die” by Pema Chodron, and was surprised to find his experience described in detail. Doug will speak to us not as a Buddhist, but as someone who dropped into and then back out of that world.

Death Cafe

Next Death Cafe Saturday, Mar 1, 2024 2:00 – 3:30 pm

Currently Death Cafes are offered in over 87 countries around the world. Many find comfort in speaking about their anxieties, grief and curiosities around death and dying in a safe, neutral environment. It is an opportunity to speak from the heart and practice deep listening with others.

This cafe will be in Whaletown, hosted by Darsi Kamay. We begin with tea, meeting our companions before beginning. The circle is small, based on how many people come, and our limit is 10, by registration only.

We sit in a circle, taking turns speaking from the heart, as well as listening with an open, receptive attitude. We acknowledge death as part of life, providing a warm environment for honest talk about any topic, from life on the planet to death off of it. Everything spoken is held as sacred expression, and everyone’s offering is honoured and valued.

We meet on the first Saturday of the month from 2:00 – 3:30 pm, and there is no charge. To register, or for more information, please send a note to Darsi at [email protected]. Location information will be given upon registration.