Community-Led Death Care

Community-Led Death Care – We are a group of volunteers who are ready, even on short notice, to provide practical and emotional support to those approaching or navigating death. In the past, communities cared for their own at death, simply & naturally. Death was a part of life, and death care was shared by friends and neighbours. We are your friends and neighbours; knowledgeable, willing and able to lend helping hands. 

Many people are not aware that in British Columbia it is legal to care for a body at home. Family and friends are allowed to sit with, wash, dress, and otherwise tend to the body. They can build a casket, make funeral arrangements, and transport the body to the graveyard or crematorium. Participating in these tasks and accompanying a body right to the end can be enriching. If this is a choice you would like to make for yourself or a loved one, it would be our honour to guide and support you. 

For assistance, or to learn more about this service and its costs, please email [email protected]. A Steward will work with you to determine the type of help needed and make arrangements with the doulas and volunteers.