Cultivating Death Acceptance

For as long as humans have been recording their history, death anxiety has been a pervasive theme. From Gilgamesh’s 4000-year-old laments over his own mortality, to recent attempts to preserve one’s body using cryogenics (an effort not dissimilar in its goal to the ancient Egyptian practice of mummification), our species has grappled with our own impermanence in myriad ways. Themes…

Long-Term and Hospice Care

Many of us imagine we can rely on the medical system when we or our loved ones lose their independence and approach end-of-life. This is a common misunderstanding. Although receiving care when we need it is ideal, there simply aren’t enough long-term care facilities or hospice units in our area for this to be likely to happen. The Campbell River…

7 Signs of a Death-Denying Culture

Reena Lazar, co-founder of Willow End-of-Life Education and Planning, writes that although death is the one thing in life we’re certain of, most people do everything in their power to avoid thinking about, talking about, let alone preparing for it. The vast majority of people don’t have any documents in place, because they live in a state of death denial,…

No Heroic Measures

Adults with an advancing illness, increasing frailty, or a chronic condition that is life limiting or life threatening may say they’d like ‘no heroic measures’. What does this mean? We always have the right to consent to or refuse health care treatment. However, a situation may arise when we are unable to speak for ourselves. Advance Care Planning is about…

Representation Agreement

A Representation Agreement Section 9 (RA9) is a legally enforceable document for authorizing someone—a Representative—to assist you or to act on your behalf for health and personal care matters. The RA9 covers decisions about living arrangements, lifestyle preferences, minor and major health care, and the choice of life support. The RA9 does not cover financial or legal affairs; for this you…