Update on MAID

Medical assistance in dying has been legal in Canada since 2016. In 2021, Parliament approved expanding the eligibility criteria to include those with a mental disorder as their sole underlying condition. That change was to come into effect in March 2023, but the government paused it for another year in the face of widespread concerns over possible consequences. On Feb…

What Is A Death Doula?

A death doula is a non-medical person trained to care for someone holistically (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually) at the end-of-life. They recognize death as a natural, accepted, and honoured part of life. Death doulas are also known as end-of-life coaches, transition guides, and end-of-life doulas. Although we’ve been dying for thousands of years, it is only in the last…

End of Life Planning

A new year is a great time to set an intention to “get your ducks in a row”. Being prepared makes a huge difference; be kind to those you leave behind. The effort you put in now can save others incalculable time, money, heartache, and disagreements later. In broad strokes, there are two categories that need your attention – your…

It’s Okay That You’re Not Okay

The book with this title by Megan Devine is about meeting grief and loss in a culture that doesn’t understand. She writes: Most of what passes for grief support these days is less than useful. Because we don’t talk about loss, most people—and many professionals—think of grief and loss as aberrations, detours from a normal, happy life. We believe that…

Minutes from Meeting, Nov 21, 2023

We gathered in the Pioneer Room of the Manson’s Hall. Margaret chaired. At this meeting Kathleen Monahan, Coordinator of the Nav-CARE program recently launched by Quadra Circle, joined us on the screen. The Nav-CARE program will extend to Cortes Island in 2024, continuing the Compassionate Community Project launched this summer and currently being coordinated by Carina. Kathleen will tell us…

When Someone Dies

Written by Dr. Sarah Kerr, PhD, The Centre for Sacred Deathcare https://sacreddeathcare.com/ When someone dies, the first thing to do is nothing. Don’t run out and call the nurse. Don’t pick up the phone. Take a deep breath and be present to the magnitude of the moment.  There’s a grace to being at the bedside of someone you love as…